Open seminars

Open seminars are aimed at individuals who invest in additional skills and participants from various companies.


Communication skills I: relaxed, targeted, more successful

One cannot not communicate. Every communication has a content and relationship aspect such that the latter classifies the former… (Watzlawick, Beavin & Jackson)

This seminar enables you to communicate in a more relaxed, targeted and successful way. You will become aware of your personal strengths, of your preferred communication and behavioural patterns. You learn more about your own motives, impulses and expectations. 

You will learn to communicate smoothly, in a targeted and authentic manner.
Anyone interested is welcome. You benefit from it both professionally and privately.        

Additional information and benefits:

Our behavior not only arises from education and cultural background, it is also genetically determined. The personal, proportional interaction of different brain regions plays an important role. It determines how we think, communicate, act, etc.

This interplay is pictured by the biostructure analysis, your individual STRUCTOGRAM®. It is a non-evaluative interpretation of the individual, genetically predisposed basic structure of one's personality. It is not a psychological test; there is no "target profile", no "good or bad".


This training is your "key to self-knowledge". You will get to know yourself better.

  • You will learn how you tick and how you may come across to others
  • You will find out when and with whom your demeanour is harmony-promoting; and when it may more likely cause rejection
  • You will therefore spot many potential conflicts early enough to avoid escalation
  • You will learn to use your strengths in a more targeted manner
  • You will fathom that every personality structure has its advantages
  • You will understand other people better, which will make it easier for you to interact with others


to STRUCTOGRAM® International

Communication II: we, us, them.

Focus on others, teamwork.

 Building on "Communication skills: relaxed, targeted, more successful", you will learn to recognize the personality structure of other people.

The key to understanding others: You will become familiar with the preferred behaviour, with the needs and preferences of your fellow human beings in terms of communication, collaboration and buying behavior. This will enable you to identify potential conflicts in good time and to find the "right" words even in difficult situations.

Situational leadership becomes much easier. Collaboration and understanding within teams gets even better.

We, us, teambuilding

At the workshop the participants learn to recognize the biostructure of other people and to set it on the TRIOGRAM®. This is a kind of map, which quickly and reliably makes the characteristics or preferences of other people visible. This "picture" gets anchored as an inner image in the long-term memory.


Refresher course for participants of previous events

You already have the key to self-knowledge, but it's pretty rusty.
You want to refresh what you have learned so that you can take full advantage of the practical benefits. 

You attended the first training - even with another provider - less than 10 years ago.

Personality development

A course for (prospective) supervisors, high potentials and executives..

This course provides you with the framework required for a persistently successful and healthy (professional) life.

Based on the instrument of the Swiss Institut für Verhaltensentwicklung, you will acquire important personal competences. You will also get the chance to discuss professional issues and personal challenges, to plan difficult conversations und and play them through. You will become aware the consequences of your behaviour and ponder your experiences.


This course is held either for a single person or for a small group. You would put such groups together yourself. 

Personality development; what's in for you:
  • You systematically develop your personal competences
  • You optimize your behavior and thus the way you impact on others
  • You learn to use your energy sensibly and to pay attention to a healthy balance between work and private life
  • You get:
    • Honest feedbacks from an unbiased professional who will question your behaviour
    • Insights into the way of thinking of a manager and HR-professional experienced in a multicultural environment
    • A learning guide that you can refer to again and again