My offer - the benefits for your company
Behavioural development /coaching
An individual personnel development measure, tailored to the client's the situation.
- Coaching enables another way of dealing with oneself and others. Collaboration gets improved and targets become easier to achieve
- Enhanced self-management, stress reduction
- Increase of communication and leadership skills
- Widening of one's perspective to the extent of changing it
Conflict resolution, mediation
This is an effective, confidential and structured process. Voluntarily and on their own responsibility, the parties achieve settlement of their conflict by mutual agreement.
In contrast to court proceedings, mediation grants the parties a large room for maneuver and a say on the way to a consensual solution. .
- There is no assignment of guilt and innocence
- The parties have a say and a lot of leeway
- Those involved understand the mutual needs behind the conflict. Thereafter, they are able to continue working together largely without stress
- Mediation is a flexible, reasonably priced process that leads relatively quickly to de-escalation and to a binding agreement
- This procedure protects your company's image and significantly reduces the stress level of those involved
Continuous Personal Development
Communication I: more relaxed, more targeted, more successful
Communication II: we, us, them
Personality development
Communication I: more relaxed, more targeted, more successful
A communication concept that also takes the meta level into account.
"One cannot not communicate. Every communication has a content and relationship aspect such that the latter classifies the former…" (Watzlawick, Beavin & Jackson)
The participants become aware of the impact of their preferred communication behaviour. They learn to selectively take notice of other people communication patterns and consequently to connect with them in a targeted and optimal manner.
Our behaviour not only arises from education and cultural background, it is also genetically determined. The personal, proportional interaction of different brain regions plays an important role. It determines how we think, communicate, act, etc.
This interplay is pictured by the biostructure analysis, an individual STRUCTOGRAM®. This is a non-evaluative interpretation of the individual, genetically predisposed basic structure of one's personality. It is not a psychological test; there is no "target profile", no "good or bad".
- The participants learn more about themselves. "The key to self-knowledge"
- They learn how they tick and this may come across to others
- They find out when and with who their demeanour is harmony-promoting; and when it may more likely cause rejection
- This will enable them to spot many potential conflicts early enough to avoid escalation
- They will learn to use their strengths in a more targeted manner
- They will realize that every personality has got its advantages
Communication II: we, us, them
Focus on others, teamwork.
Building on "Communication skills: relaxed, targeted, more successful", the participants learn to recognize the personality structure of other people.
The participants enhance their knowledge about different communication preferences. They develop an understanding for the needs and priorities of others, in terms of communication, collaboration and buying behavior. They practice various targeted communication manners.
At the workshop the participants learn to recognize the biostructure of other people and to set it on the TRIOGRAM®. This is a kind of map, which quickly and reliably makes the characteristics or preferences of other people visible. This "picture" gets anchored as an inner image in the long-term memory.
Auffrischungskurs für Teilnehmende früherer Veranstaltungen.
Participation in the first training - even with another provider - less than 10 years ago.
Personality development
A course for (prospective) supervisors, high potentials and executives.
This structured course provides your specialists and prospective managers with the framework required for a persistently successful and healthy (professional) life. Based on the instrument of the Swiss Institute for Behavioral Development (Institut für Verhaltensentwicklung), the participants acquire important personal skills. They have the opportunity to discuss professional issues and personal challenges, to plan difficult conversations und and play them through. They also become aware the consequences of their behaviour and cogitate about what they have experienced.
Usually held one to one; Small group courses are possible.
- Young specialists and team leaders, as well as (prospective) managers, systematically develop their personal skills
- Your high potentials receive professional advice in a protected environment. If necessary, they can discuss complex situations and difficult issues, prepare their behavior and actions. In addition, they can later reflect on what happened, take stock and consolidate what they have learned
- Sharpens the participants' sense of a healthy balance between professional engagement and private life, between ambition and satisfied consolidation. This is a necessary measure for this burnout-prone professional group
- The participants recognize that success is not limited to steep climbing on the hierarchical ladder, but must be defined individually
If you enable several employees to take the course, they can support each other by creating a study group or learning tandems.
Workshop-moderation with a difference
effective, enjoyable, unforgettable.
Development of a common identity after a merger or takeover, processing or preparation of a reorganization, creative workshop for strategy development, "event" at a branch meeting from different language regions, ...
- Colorful, playful, creative; Lego® Serious Play® rockets imagination and expressiveness
- This method ensures that somewhat introverted people actively participate too
- The manager or project leader can as actively attend as the other participants do. I take over methods and time management
- Workshops with Lego® Serious Play® boost team spirit
- They bring slumbering ideas and the unconscious to the surface
For 4-12 participants. Larger groups require a moderation team.
Lego® Serious Play® (LSP):
Roos and B. Victor from IMD Lausanne, together with K.K. Kristiansen, CEO and owner of Lego®, developed LSP in the late 1990s.
The hand-brain connection as well as building models (metaphors) and describing them are of particular significance. In terms of sensory and motor skills the hand-brain connection is stronger than those brain has with other parts of our body. When we build models (with Lego® bricks) and then describe what they stand for, "we think with our hands". This releases a remarkable creative energy and opens the way for new lines of thoughts and different approaches.
Imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited.
-Albert Einstein
Facilitation of leadership circles or forums
Leadership circles offer your company's supervisors a protected framework for reflection and exchange about people management, leadership or current difficult situations.
If needed, I may give a short keynote speech. I facilitate, answer questions and contribute to the discussion.
- The supervisors gain distance from their operational tasks
- Their management and leadership skills as well as their capacity to reflect thereupon get stimulated
- The management behavior in your company becomes more congruent and the corporate culture more consistent
The independency, mindfulness, experience and knowledge of an external facilitator increases the effectiveness and efficiency of these management forums.
A short, confidential dialogue with an unbiased person. "Thinking aloud with a sparring partner" helps to develop and evaluate an idea swiftly.